Renate Nyborg, former CEO of Tinder, is set to debut Amorai, an artificial intelligence-based relationship and wellness coaching app for young adults.
Ms. Nyborg, who also previously held executive positions at Headspace and Apple, founded the company in response to the global rise in loneliness, decline in close relationships and rising costs of mental health treatment, according to an April 27 news release from Amorai.
The app will use AI to provide personalized coaching exercises and will launch exclusively on Apple products, according to the release. Executives of companies including Yahoo, Google and AirBnB signed on as angel investors in the company's pre-seed funding round.
"It often shocks people that [feelings of loneliness] spikes amongst young people: More than 4 in 5 Gen Z’s say they feel lonely sometimes or all of the time," Ms. Nyborg said in the release. "Our first product is a relationship coach because relationship struggles are a leading cause of anxiety, stress and suicide amongst young adults."